Sermons, Articles & Bible Class Material

Michael Wesolowski

The Wise Contrasted By The Fool

Michael Wesolowski

Where is wisdom and who can know it? There are many philosophical questions being asked today. Such as what is the meaning of life, or what is the purpose of everything/anything? These questions have stirred countless debate and wasted time over the course of several years.

However Man’s answer only comes in the form of, it is whatever you decide for it to be. Meaning Man is capable of deciding their own path of righteousness. If one were to be able to decide what is morally correct or acceptable, it would be ever changing with the generations; of which we can see today the result of such thinking. 

Consider Proverbs 12:15-16; “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he who heeds counsels is wise. A fool’s wrath is known at once, but a prudent man covers shame.” Within the context of Proverbs as a whole and in the immediate context of this chapter, Solomon is discussing those who heed the instructions of God over their own. After all imagine the benefit of having a set standard for morality that we can base our lives off of. For some choosing their own Morality becomes dangerous to themselves and others because, murder, drunkenness, adultery, etc. become acceptable in their eyes.

Not only this but when these ideals become challenged, some become angry and unwilling to listen over the fact that their way of life is being challenged removing the harmony and peace which Gods Law provides. This is the point of verse 16. This pairs perfectly with James 1:19; for indeed the wise receive instruction from the Lord while the foolish follow their own way. However, this passage does not just apply to the atheist but also to the believer, for there are many who believe God’s Word but do not always follow. 

Let us listen and choose to examine ourselves and our actions rather than prideful and foolish.